Look At how Jane, A 51 Year Old Lady From Glasgow With Osteoporosis and 2 Injured Wrists Got Fit & Healthy, Dropped A Dress Size, Planned Her Health For Her Retirement and Now Enjoys Her Exercise! …and how you too can see results in as little as a few weeks with Scotland’s Personal Trainer Of The Year finalist!
How some One to One coaching and a little advice transformed Jane’s confidence, made her fitter, stronger and more energetic!
Jane’s story in her own words:
“I’m female, 51 and have never been confident in the gym before now and although I have dieted and lost loads of weight before – I never toned up and gradually the weight crept back on.
But I wanted to do more than just lose weight. I also wanted to be fit and healthy now as I get older, so that I can really enjoy my leisure time, and in due course – my retirement. I felt that a personal trainer could motivate me, show me what was right for me to do and achieve the best results for me.
It felt scary but I wanted to do it.
I now feel fitter stronger and more energetic. I feel personally more confident with my own body shape. I now enjoy exercising and would not miss my training sessions!
My body shape is changing. I have been doing 2 one-hour personal training sessions every week for 3 months and I have now dropped a dress size and am in size 10 jeans for the first time in 6, maybe 7 years!
I have lost weight and on returning to work after many colleagues have noticed a real difference in my appearance! I am feeling good and its all down to the personal training. I still have a long way to go but have never felt as motivated as I do now.
The program is personal and tailored completely to me. I have osteoporosis and have 2 injured wrists and the exercise plan is geared totally to me. I like the structure and the weekly progression. I can see that I am achieving more and more each week. I feel I am working at the correct levels for me and feel so motivated now . I have never enjoyed exercising in a gym ever before and I can see and feel that it’s making a big difference to me, and so can others!
I can’t believe how much I am enjoying it.”
I know how important health and fitness is as we get older…
Just turn up, do the free One to One session and decide for yourself
No questions asked.
One to One coaching gives you the same benefits as going to the gym but in a friendly, private environment away from the typical intimidating atmosphere. Myself and my team will also be cheering you on, keeping you motivated and accountable!
Be like Jane and many other fantastic clients of mine. Our One to One coaching provides a friendly, supportive environment tailored to help over 50’s look better, feel better and move better!
Not only this:
- We will also give advice on a one on one basis to help you smash your individual, unique goals.
- We invite you to join our private Facebook group where you can learn and ask us any questions about your fitness goals.
If you want to get healthy but don’t fancy the big intimidating gyms with posers and bad music, this is the place for you. Existing members also tend to invite their family, partner and friends to join too!
Due to demand we have opened further One to One Coaching at the Western Club, Hyndland (however this is starting to gather momentum so come along and try it before it fills up!)
What are these benefits worth to you?
Benefits Include:
- IMPROVING fitness levels instead of watching them decrease as you get older
- Continue enjoying life for longer
- Maximise what little training time you may have and keeping you accountable
- Decreasing stress and improving sleep
- Taking charge of your own fitness and having the health you deserve
- Improving flexibility, musculature and joint mobility
- Preventing injury or helping to get rid of an existing injury
- Advice that you can rely on in all aspects of health, including nutrition
- Be more effective in your work life
- Have family time without the ageing process causing issues
- EVERYTHING tailored to you!
Join one of our private One to One Coaching sessions at:
Western Tennis Club: 30 Hyndland Road, Hyndland, Glasgow G12 9UP
Call me if you would like to book direct on 07906 599 210
Leave a voicemail if I’m taking a class 🙂
Alternatively fill in the short application form here:
Frequently Asked Questions
What makes Get Results 1-2-1 Coaching better than any other fitness classes?
What is involved in Get Results 1-2-1 Coaching?
What do I bring with me to my sessions?
How many sessions per week should I do?
I'm very unfit at the moment, will I be able to cope with the exercises?
How quickly will I see results?
What can I realistically expect to achieve with 1-2-1 Coaching?
How do I pay?
What Our Clients Say
More Happy Members
I decided that I needed to start working with Get Results Fitness as I was not happy with my body shape/appearance nor level of fitness. I had “let myself go” a bit. Since starting the program I am now thinner; fitter; more active; toned; increased confidence in myself and personal appearance. More focused on good nutrition and sensible eating too.I feel very much more relaxed and motivated with the program and in having a trainer than I have previously as a member of a gym. I am more confident that I am getting the right direction on my exercise program and that my body is being worked in the right way and effectively. To someone still on the fence about joining Get Results Fitness I would say do it ! I am delighted with the results and you’d be surprised at how quickly you can achieve them.
Lisa Mitchell
Before starting with Get Results I was fed up following ‘ faddy’ diets and wanted to learn how to eat properly and get advice on exercise that would be best for me. In the time I have been working with them have dropped two dress sizes and I feel a lot healthier than I have for a very long time. I have really enjoyed learning all about the health and nutrition aspect of the program. I loved going to my sessions every week and I felt that the trainers were very encouraging and had your best interests at heart. I have tried all the ‘fad’ diets under the sun and after joining this program I have totally changed my mindset about what I should eat and how I can live a healthier life. Although I haven’ t reached my target yet I am still very much motivated to continue on my road to success. I can not recommend the program highly enough, full of great advice and trainers who are dedicated to helping you reach your goals.
John Harvey
At 76 years old I found myself becoming stiff and inflexible after a hip operation. I was starting to find it a bit more difficult to play my golf and tennis. I was referred to Get Results by a friend who had seen great improvements in how they move after joining the program. After 3 months of the program I am definitely more flexible and hope this will allow me to continue to play my sports for many years to come.
Carol Miller
I have been training with Get Results for over 2 months and WOW – what a difference. I was stuck in a rut – working out 3 times a week at the gym and seeing no results. With Paul’s help and advice I have changed how/what and when I eat and completely changed my work out regime. I would definitely recommend the Get Results program to anyone – whether you are a novice or regular gym goer as their pointers have helped me enormously.
Alan P Fulton
For many years now my wife and I have taken a keen interest in keeping fit and healthy eating. At our age now and with busy lives running our own business, we were aware that it is getting increasingly more difficult to keep our weight and fitness at, what for us are acceptable levels. Having seen a number of so called Personal Trainers in operation who’s knowledge is to say the least questionable, it was refreshing to find a company who has not only the knowledge of training the individual for their specific needs, but has a great knowledge of how the body works and can give good nutritional advice. An added bonus is their ability to carry out some work to help with posture problems and muscle strains. Having finished our first course of sessions we are back from holiday ready, and looking forward to have you work with us again over the upcoming months. Thank you for what you have done for us so far and we will have no hesitation in recommending you to anyone requiring your services.
Donna Longwill
Before starting with Get Results Fitness I was unhappy with myself, had no motivation to do any exercise and the thought off walking into a gym terrified me. I was afraid that I would look like I didn’t know what I was doing and feel out of place in front of healthier members. I have thoroughly enjoyed my time and my personal sessions with Paul at Get Results we took baby steps to get me over my worries and concerns about exercising and now I go to the gym on my own along as still attending my personal sessions to keep me moving in the right direction. The most significant difference since joining Get Results is losing inches but also I feel a lot more alive happier and not so tired all the time it is hard and you only get out what you put in but I feel so much better about myself now and also that friends and family are noticing the change in my shape this spurs me on!