
Testimonials from our happy members šŸ™‚

Angela McCarthur

After two months things are going well, I am reallyĀ enjoying training with Get Results Fitness. Combing the program with dieting has been good and I’m starting to feel a bit more fitter. Having Neil as my personal trainer is fab, he’s very good and has made the program perfectĀ for me. I need to be motivated and that’s why this program works well for me. Really looking forward to the next stage of my program and the changes that it will make to my overall fitnessĀ goals and health.


Satinder Panesar

What made you decide you wanted/needed to start a program?

In the past I was a regular runner and active in my day to day life. However, I had lost my way and it was when I turned 50 I realised my issue wasnā€™t about losing weight it was more about being healthy. Historically I had experienced a netball injury, this was the initial reason I stopped training and then lost my confidence going to the gym. I was attracted to the advert Fitness for over 50ā€™s ā€“ it definitely made me want to explore more. I liked what I read and a lot of the testimonials were sitting with me and where I was in my life I really do believe that training is different for over 50ā€™s to when you are in your 20ā€™s.

What results have you achieved since starting your program?

Although I havenā€™t lost any weight as yet ā€“ I feel my energy levels have increased and I feel healthier. This was my original goal and I feel as if I have met that. My mindset has totally changed now to exercise and my confidence has grown. I am now very aware of what Iā€™m eating and my next goal is to lose weight. Iā€™m also very surprised at how I have progressed and Paul and Neil constantly remind me of that.
At the age of 51 I feel amazing.

What do you like best about our program/having a trainer?

Both Paul and Neil are very knowledgeable and are open to sharing their knowledge and experience. There has been no questions that Iā€™ve asked that theyā€™ve not been able to answer (I like asking questions) they are both approachable and flexible to my needs and there is no such thing as a silly question. I love the fact I have been introduced to a variety of exercises that I have never tried before.

What would you say to someone on the fence about joining our program?

Absolutely do not sit on the fence ā€“ you donā€™t know what you are missing – if you have any concerns or are worried about anything – just share your concern. The two of them will be very happy to answer them for you. Whatever stage you are in your training you will be supported.

Paul ā€“ I just need you to start a group in the West End now! Preferable at 6.30am!

Amanda Barrie

“Get Results”? How does “Get Your-Driving-License-Back” sound??? Because, thanks to these guys – Neil and especially Jim and Paul, I’ve got my independence back and I can’t thank them enough for it.

I’m a disabled client and I started training in March to strengthen up and maintain function of specific muscles that were weakening due to medical my condition, MS. Being disabled, I can still train (within my physical abilities) but just a much, MUCH lower rate.

My training is exactly what I need and has given me so much more than an improved overall fitness. The guys have managed to down-shift gears to work with my ability and have treated me with nothing but respect and courtesy while being continually encouraging. Even on the bad days where I drag myself in and can only manage a few bicep curls. I always walk out feeling better than when I walked in.

Thank you to you all.

Christina Macpherson

I’ve had about eight sessions now and im enjoying feeling my movement and overall stamina has improved. I was 71 this year, i have arthritis and fibromyalgia and therefore thought my gym days were well over. Not the case, the excersises im given is targeting my week points and where i need to strengthen my muscles and overall fitness.
Im loving the one to one training, im encouraged to try harder and im doing better each week. I recommend this to anyone who thinks the gym is not for them anymore.

Sonia DeRosa

I decided I needed help to get fit and strong after I came back from holiday last year and worked with Neil at Boiler room fitness and knew he did Personal training with Get Results Fitness.
Since I started the Get results Program I have achieved a tighter , stronger and toned body I love seeing the shape change, Neil Campbell is an inspiration I love being directed and told what to do and Neil is fantastic at that, I love his way, his knowledge on all aspects of fitness and his passion, I have recommended Get Results to many friends and clients who have reacted at how well and fit I look, I canā€™t live without my FIX every week.
I would say to anyone sitting on the fence go for it what have you to lose, absolutely nothing and boy you have loads to gain, canā€™t Get Results Fitness enough and Neil is a true athlete and so professional. Thank you šŸ™ Sonia DeRosa xx

Leah Bissett

I felt that I was a little out of shape and wanted to improve my fitness as well as lose some weight. In the first weeks I lost a few inches from my waist. As time has gone on I have found that my upper body strength has improved and my arms are becoming more toned. I have had the luxury of three very friendly, knowledgeable and professional trainers who have worked well with me to design a program that suits my needs.

I would strongly advise to sign up with the programme highlighting my satisfaction.

AnneMarie McGinley

I’m female, 51 and have never been confident in the gym before now and although I have dieted and lost loads of weight before I never toned up .and gradually the weight crept back on But I wanted to do more than just lose weight. I also wanted to be fit and healthy now and as I get older so that I can really enjoy my leisure time and in due course my retirement. I felt that a personal trainer could motivate me and show me what was right for me to do and achieve best results for me. It felt scary but I wanted to do it.

I feel fitter stronger and more energetic. I feel personally more confident with my own body shape. I now enjoy exercising and would not miss my training sessions. My body shape is changing. I have been doing 2 one hour personal training sessions a week for 3 months and I have now dropped a dress size and am in size 10 jeans for the first time in 6 maybe 7 years. I have lost weight over Christmas by keeping training and making just some healthy choices and drinking loads more water. On returning to work after the new year many colleagues have noticed a real difference in my appearance . I am feeling good and its all down to the personal training. I still have a long way to go but have never felt as motivated as I do now.

Itā€™s personal and tailored completely to me. I have osteoporosis and have 2 injured wrists and the exercise plan is geared totally to me. I like the structure and the weekly progression. I can see that I am achieving more and more each week. I feel pushed but motivated. I have never enjoyed exercising in a gym ever before and I can see and feel that itā€™s making a big difference to me and so can others! I canā€™t believe how much I am enjoying it.



Martin Gordon

Before starting with Get Results fitness. I wanted to start exercising more but I’d previously been hampered with injuries every time I ramped up my activity. My main focus for PT was to condition myself to avoid injuries as much as possible.

Since starting I’ve been able to play tennis to up to 7 times a week, fairly hard, without incurring any of my old injuries. That’s quite a feat. I’ve also become more athletic on the court according to my coach, so the training has really helped my movement.

My trainer does the thinking for me so I don’t have to. He is extremely well researched and has a passion for what he does, so he takes on board my weaknesses, goals and sets programmes for me. So when I do go to the gym with or without him, I only need to focus on the tasks in hand. This encourages me to go to the gym; it helps improve my sessions and gives me confidence I’m not wasting my time.

I chose not to do PT for years due to the expense. It is expensive but since I finally took the plunge I DO NOT regret it. The results are great and I would not have achieved them alone. It feels more like an investment in my wellbeing that will hopefully allow me to be active and enjoy my sports for decades to come. Also, I can’t recommend Get Results highly enough. If you can find someone with a genuine passion for what they do, you’re going to get a great service. Paul is always listening to podcasts on fitness interests, going to conferences, doing courses etc – and this is a great benefit for his clients.

So if you’re going to give it a try – do it with Get Results!


Victoria Oxland

I’d always been relatively active, previous gym memberships and a tennis player etc. but my main motivation was getting toned and fit for my wedding day. I’m also very lazy when it comes to the motivation to go to the gym myself, I prefer having someone push me to do an exercise because otherwise I would end up focusing on cardio, or not using the multitude of exercises/weights available to me.




Maria Cunningham

I felt that I was a little out of shape and wanted to improve my fitness as well as lose some weight. In the first weeks I lost a few inches from my waist. As time has gone on I have found that my upper body strength has improved and my arms are becoming more toned. I have had the luxury of three very friendly, knowledgeable and professional trainers who have worked well with me to design a programme that suits my needs and I would strongly advise to sign up with the programme highlighting my satisfaction.


Ray Gribben

I decided that I needed to start working with Get Results Fitness as I was not happy with my body shape/appearance nor level of fitness. I had ā€œlet myself goā€ a bit. Since starting the program I am now thinner; fitter; more active; toned; increased confidence in myself and personal appearance. More focused on good nutrition and sensible eating too.I feel very much more relaxed and motivated with the program and in having a trainer than I have previously as a member of a gym. I am more confident that I am getting the right direction on my exercise program and that my body is being worked in the right way and effectively. To someone still on the fence about joining Get Results Fitness I would say do it ! I am delighted with the results and youā€™d be surprised at how quickly you can achieve them.


Lisa Mitchell

Before starting with Get Results I was fed up following ā€˜ faddyā€™ diets and wanted to learn how to eat properly and get advice on exercise that would be best for me. In the time I have been working with them have dropped two dress sizes and I feel a lot healthier than I have for a very long time. I have really enjoyed learning all about the health and nutrition aspect of the program. I loved going to my sessions every week and I felt that the trainers were very encouraging and had your best interests at heart. I have tried all the ā€˜fadā€™ diets under the sun and after joining this program I have totally changed my mindset about what I should eat and how I can live a healthier life. Although I havenā€™ t reached my target yet I am still very much motivated to continue on my road to success. I can not recommend the program highly enough, full of great advice and trainers who are dedicated to helping you reach your goals.


John Harvey

At 76 years old I found myself becoming stiff and inflexible after a hip operation. I was starting to find it a bit more difficult to play my golf and tennis. I was referred to Get Results by a friend who had seen great improvements in how they move after joining the program. After 3 months of the program I am definitely more flexible and hope this will allow me to continue to play my sports for many years to come.


Joanna Waugh

I decided to start the programme after being away on holiday and feeling a bit lazy, unhealthy and carrying excess holiday weight. I felt the need to get back into shape to improve my fitness and get some nutrition advice. I wanted to feel confident going out and feel better about myself and my personal appearance. I have lost inches all over my body and feel much more confident when going out at the weekend. My fitness levels have improved and I am feeling much more energized throughout the day. I am now more knowledgeable on healthy eating and know what foods I should be eating on a daily basis. I like the different food options the manual provides and now feel confident going to the gym on my own. I now know how to use certain equipment and can take what I have practiced during my personal training session to the gym.I would definitely recommend the programme as I feel more healthier than I ever have and my fitness levels have improved as a result. I am more confident when going out with friends and family, and always striving to better myself. The trainers provide you with motivation to keep going and not to give up, the sessions are also varied and suited to your personal aims and goals.


Jennifer Smith

I’d always enjoyed going to the gym, but found that I was not getting the results I desired. I was also keen to get into running, and to train as effectively as possible. I wanted a program that would be sustainable, without restrictive dietary advice that I know I would not be able to adhere to in the long term. I wanted exercises that would be effective but not massively time-consuming, as I work as a doctor and my hours are long and unpredictable. Since starting the programme I have noticed a significant change in my body shape. I was lucky that I didn’t have a significant amount of weight to lose, my focus was very much on increasing my fitness and strength. I have had 6 sessions and worked at the exercises independently the rest of the time. Friends and family have all commented on my figure, and all the reports have been positive. Regarding my fitness, I can comfortably run the distance I set out to achieve. The best thing about having a trainer is having a point of contact to call on for advice, and for exercises that are tailored exactly to my needs. If you have ever considered a personal trainer, I could not recommend Get Results Fitness highly enough – you won’t regret it.


Gerri Campbell

I started the programme because I have sciatica and the physio I was attending recommended that it was time to start a fitness regime and also recommended Paul My shape has completely changed. Having followed the eating plan as well as personal training has helped see quicker results The program is easy to follow and makes perfect sense. Paul is very knowledgeable and very easy to be around. He pushes you when you need it and changes the workout frequently so that you don’t get bored This programme is the one I have stuck to. I have tried lots of diets/fads/training ideas and this is my favourite by far. This will be an investment that will pay dividends again and again.


Gemma Sinclair

Since having my first baby in August 2013 I had developed severe back pain, bad eating habits and needed direction on how to approach exercise after having a caesarean. Having Paulā€™s expertise was essential to getting me back on track to lose weight and improve my fitness levels, and also to help me gain back my confidence. Paul immediately identified my source of back pain and structured my initial training sessions around restoring core strength and flexibility ā€“ within a matter of weeks I saw a drastic improvement in my pain levels and was also well on the way to losing the excess weight I had gained. The advice from Paul in terms of nutrition was also invaluable. As a busy new mum it was essential for me to be reminded on the importance of food preparation and being organised so that I couldnā€™t be tempted to make bad food choices. The results I have had so far are more than I could have hoped for. I have lost 12 inches overall, have no back pain and am well on the way to restoring my old fitness levels thanks to our amazing workout sessions. I canā€™t recommend Get Results Fitness enough for any new mum who feels that they are struggling to get back in shape and need expert advice on exactly how to get there. Iā€™m proof that exercise and healthy eating can be done…..even with a baby!


Carol Miller

I have been training with Get Results for over 2 months and WOW ā€“ what a difference. I was stuck in a rut ā€“ working out 3 times a week at the gym and seeing no results. With Paulā€™s help and advice I have changed how/what and when I eat and completely changed my work out regime. I would definitely recommend the Get Results program to anyone ā€“ whether you are a novice or regular gym goer as their pointers have helped me enormously.


Burness Paul

Paul Murphy from Get Results Fitness came to speak to our team at a work event and was brilliant. In a high energy workshop Paul was excellent at explaining the importance of fitness, exercise and diet to our health and why so often we fail. He understood the pressures of modern life and that busy professionals are often time poor and gave us useful advice on how to get the most from the time we have. His session delivered a real punch and a number of our delegates have signed up to his programme since. Thanks Paul!


Alan P Fulton

For many years now my wife and I have taken a keen interest in keeping fit and healthy eating. At our age now and with busy lives running our own business, we were aware that it is getting increasingly more difficult to keep our weight and fitness at, what for us are acceptable levels. Having seen a number of so called Personal Trainers in operation whoā€™s knowledge is to say the least questionable, it was refreshing to find a company who has not only the knowledge of training the individual for their specific needs, but has a great knowledge of how the body works and can give good nutritional advice. An added bonus is their ability to carry out some work to help with posture problems and muscle strains. Having finished our first course of sessions we are back from holiday ready, and looking forward to have you work with us again over the upcoming months. Thank you for what you have done for us so far and we will have no hesitation in recommending you to anyone requiring your services.


Donna Longwill

Before starting with Get Results Fitness I was unhappy with myself, Ā had no motivation to do any exercise and the thought off walking into a gym terrified me.

I was afraid that I would look like I didnā€™t know what I was doing and feel out of place in front of healthier members.

I have thoroughly enjoyed my time and my personal sessions with Paul at Get Results we took baby steps to get me over my worries and concerns about exercising and now I go to the gym on my own along as still attending my personal sessions to keep me moving in the right direction.

The most significant difference since joining Get Results is losing inches but also I feel a lot more alive happier and not so tired all the time it is hard and you only get out what you put in but I feel so much better about myself now and also that friends and family are noticing the change in my shape and this spurs me on.


Craig Maciness

I started working with Get Results because I was getting a pain in my right knee after running. After speaking with Paul he thought it may be down to the lack of movement in my hip rather than my knee. At my initial session Paul Ā also noticed a few other postural issues with me. He devised a program for me and within a few weeks of seeing Paul my neck and knee pain were gone.

I have now been equipped with the exercises and stretches to maintain a good posture and relieve pain. Paul has also provided me with nutritional advice to help me fuel my body properly.


Craig Gibson

Before working with Get Results I was using the gym regularly, but not really seeing great results. Ā I was getting a bit bored with doing the same routine due to a lack of knowledge. Ā I also wasnā€™t aware of what and when I should be eating to complement my training, and the emphasis a good diet has over a good training program.

Iā€™d say the only reservation I had was whether I could commit to the nutritional side of it.

Iā€™ve really enjoyed the sessions and advice, despite it being challenging. Ā I aim to continue working with GR to continue improving.

The main thing Iā€™ve achieved since joining the program is learning how to maintain a healthy lifestyle, which I see as a lifelong benefit.



Paul Murphy at Get Results Fitness has been working with Dell and the staff on site at City Park for around 18 months and the results have been continually positive. Ā I have personally worked in Dell since it opened in City Park and in those 8 years, it is the only time I have seen people committed to the gym on site and moreover the personal training sessions available.

Paulā€™s approach is very open and honest and he is willing to listen to all his clients to really understand their needs. Ā There has been a marked transformation on site with the number of people who have clearly taken on board his nutritional advice and I often see the people eating the same things for breakfast and many people with nuts etc on their desks for snacking.

Not only has Paul made the exercise an enjoyable activity, he has also committed to working with Dell as an organisation in general and has held regular workshops and drop in sessions in the breakout areas. Ā Paul was particularly helpful when Dell committed a large amount of runners to do the 10K and half marathon for CHAS. Ā He came and presented to all the runners session on how to prepare and offered continued support through training hints and tips making it a very successful event for Dell overall.

Paul has made his services available through a variety of options from lunchtime group sessions to personal 1-1ā€™s or buddy sessions which has meant there has been an option for every budget, something which I feel is very important. Ā We have a sports and social budget which the staff pay into on a monthly basis and it then gives them access to discounted services. Ā Pauls services have been one of the longest standing services which we have offered discount on. Ā This is a result of the continued high uptake and buy in from the staff.

Thanks to Paul, Dell Glasgow is now a healthier, happier workforce :-) Of course with the odd blowout at the weekend but at the back of everyones mind, its always ā€œwhat would Paul say!ā€.


Julia Lavelle

Before working with Katie at Ā Whitecraigs Tennis Club, I found it very hard to motivate myself to go to the gym, and when I did I wasnā€™t sure of all the equipment so I would stick to the bike and the treadmill with limited results.

The Get Results program came highly recommended, so I didnā€™t have any reservations. Iā€™m really enjoying he program and seeing the results. The motivation and support that comes from Katie keeps me going. I feel healthier, stronger and more confident.

The most significant result has been the motivation to keep going and do more by myself.


Jackie Wright

East Park is a Residential School providing residential accommodation, school and a short breaks service for children and young people with additional support needs. These additional needs include learning difficulties, physical disabilities, behaviour support and Autism Spectrum Disorder.




Bernard Dickson

I was a keen runner when I started seeing Paul. I was running good times in marathons but wanted to use the gym for more than the treadmill. I did not expect therefore, for Paulā€™s sessions to have such a profound effect on my quality of life. Within two months Paul has transformed my posture ā€“ which was always poor, with hunched shoulders and curved back ā€“ to my standing and walking tall at all times now, without me even trying. Paul has achieved this through an interesting, varied and fun core fitness program.

I was already lean when I started seeing Paul, but my stomach, arm and legs muscles have developed greatly ā€“ leading to me being happier with my body than ever before. I had never felt fitter, stronger and more energised. I looked straighter, more muscled and less tired than before. I would advise anyone who considers themselves fit and active to try Get Results -I credit Paul with making me feel even more alert, with the best sense of wellbeing in my life.

I have benefited mentally as I feel I am learning new things with every session and achieving things I would have previously not thought possible for myself. I canā€™t wait to see what my body looks like in 6 months, as the impact is already tremendous. I am stunned at the positive impact of Get Results and could not recommend Paul more highly.


Katie Browne

The Get Results Program challenged my preconceived ideas about metabolic training/weight training. It has hugely influenced my fitness regime and I am now seeing progress week on week. I was in a rut doing lots of cardiovascular training and making little progress with my fitness level or shape. My posture is so much better and my back is no longer sore. My core is stronger and Iā€™m generally much more toned, without having developed too much muscle! My diet is more balanced and I experience much less of the carb/sugar highs and lows. I have kept working through the Get Results Program for 16 weeks now and am still seeing improvement. Itā€™s now become more of a lifestyle than just a training program.


Steve Marshall

Getting instruction, direction and motivation from Paul in an exercise and nutrition programme has had a really positive effect in such a short space of time. I am now eating far healthier and undertaking regular exercises within a small group environment, which can be coordinated around my working life. For the first time ever I now look forward to going to the gym.


Euan Oattes

I have lost over a stone in weight, several inches from my waist and Iā€™ve never felt this fit and healthy for many years. I have been working with Paul for five months and I have found his tailored approach in combination with his enthusiasm and focus to be an excellent combination.


Steve Jones

Personal Training sessions with Paul have had a positive effect on my life, I was overweight and reliant on my inhaler before I booked a block of one to one personal training sessions with Get Results Fitness. I now very rarely use my inhaler and have completed my first 10 km race.

When I met Paul I was at a low point in my life. I was overweight and lacked energy and self confidence. I also have to say that the gym was not for me. The reasons I needed to go, were the reason I stayed away. However, Paul was very understanding and took the time to discuss my goals and expectations. These were to get fitter,lose weight and complete a 10 km race. With the help and support Paul has given me I have managed to achieve all my goals.

The one to one personal training sessions were great as they were personally created by Paul to meet my needs and capabilities. A personal trainer will push you harder than you would ever push yourself: Paul is a fantastic motivator. Paul also varied the sessions so I never got bored and he also got me to use equipment I would never have used.

On the whole, I feel much healthier and I donā€™t rely on my inhaler. I also have to say that I no longer fear the gym or feel that I do not belong there.


Angela Wallace

I really believe that Paul has managed to instill a confidence in me I didnā€™t believe possible. The change in my body shape has literally made me feel like a new person. Shopping is no longer completely soul destroying! I have never met someone with such a passion for their job, he has inspired me to exercise regularly, which gives me a huge sense of achievement. He changes the program regularly which helps me to continually improve.

Paul has helped me see the fun side of exercise and as a result Iā€™m working out 4-5 times per week. I never feel alone or lost in the gym as he is always at hand with a regime for the days I work alone, always their to give me a word of encouragement when my motivation is low.

Most of all I enjoy my sessions with someone who not only listens to me but helps me to act in a positive way to change my life. I would really recommend Personal Training to any of my friends or colleagues.


Pamela Fairbairn

For the past 12+ years I have always ā€˜been on a dietā€™: Diet classes, faddy diets, you name it, Iā€™ve tried it!

After a holiday in the USA, when the friends I was on holiday with commented on how much I could eat at a buffet, I decided enough is enough. I spent the entire holiday eating as much I could possibly consume because when I returned home, Iā€™d be on a strict diet. This is something I told myself on every holiday: The diet will start the day I step off the plane.




Lynne Wylie

At the small group personal training sessions I lost- 2.5 inches from my waist 1 inch off my hips, thighs and bum, while also losing 12lbs.

Working with the personal trainers at Get Results has been a great experience. No more slogging away at the gym and getting nowhere!

If you really want to feel stronger, fitter and achieve a positive lifestyle change then working with Get Results youā€™ll get all the support you need to do just that! Ā By joining youā€™ll also meet like minded individuals and to top it all itā€™s a blast, hard work but a blast all the same!

Why not give it a try, whatā€™s the worse that can happen?


David Wilson

When I started the training I would not have said I was unfit, but I wouldnā€™t say I was fit either. I used to play football 2 to 3 times a week, but an ankle injury stopped all that and I had to think of other activities to keep myself fit and try to strengthen my ankle. I then found out about the small group personal training service from Get Results Fitness. The price was fantastic, as having a personal trainer working with you is normally an expense I cant afford.

The first week is always the hardest and I have to say I did struggle, but the exercises that Paul had us doing was working every muscle group, even muscles I didnā€™t know I had. My goals for the block were not to lose weight as such but to improve my overall Ā fitness and I have achieved that in only one block. I cant believe how Ā much I have improved especially my flexibility. Being 6ft 3ā€³ I have never been able to touch my toes, but Iā€™m just a couple of Ā inches away now. I have lost inches on my stomach and thereā€™s actually makings of a six pack showing.

Paul has been a godsend as I still play 5-aside football on a Sunday and with this Ā training I feel like Iā€™m 20 again. My energy is unreal, I can twist and turn again and my stamina has come on leaps and bounds. If anyone is looking to increase their stamina, strength, flexibility, energy and feel good about yourself again I recommend this program to anyone. It has changed me for the better.


Lorraine McHutchison

After feeling tired all the time and noticing a decline in my overall general health I decided it was time to do something about it! So, I got in touch with Paul, as I had previously worked with him with excellent results. We arranged a meeting to discuss my goals and what options would suit me best. Finally we decided that I needed the extra motivation and support that a group Ā could provide. This would help kick start my health goals with the added bonus of weight loss and toning.




Heather Horner

In Paulā€™s Small Group Sessions I lost ā€“ 1 stone 3.25lbs (17.25lbs) and the following inches off my body Neck = -0.5ā€³, Chest = -2.5ā€³, Waist = -4ā€³, Hips = -4ā€³, Bicep = -1ā€³, Forearm = -1ā€³, Thigh = -1.5ā€³, Calf = -1ā€³. Whats even greater than that is I feel great with more energy and Ā I feel stronger. I have also made some great friends through the group and the support you receive from one another is amazing. Paul himself is so passionate about what he does he really does care. Would I recommend Paul and his group? I have and do daily!


Meghan McPartlane

Before I started the group I had tried lots of different things to lose weight. I followed popular diet classes and joined gyms but they didnā€™t really work for me. I hated going shopping and never felt comfortable when I got dressed up for a night out. After just one block Ā I feel like a completely different person. I have lost 1 stone and 1 pound, 3.5 inches off my stomach and 1 inch from my hips. The real change however is the way I feel. I have more energy, more confidence and a more positive outlook in general. I look forward to each session. The group of people who go are all lovely and extremely supportive. They all made me feel very welcome and I have even started running with some of the girls I have met.
I would definitely recommend the Small Groups to anyone who is wanting to lose weight and become a healthier, happier person. I cannot thank Paul enough for introducing me to this and for all of his help and encouragement. Ā He genuinely wants to help you and doesnā€™t just treat you like just another number like many big gyms do. Heā€™s a brilliant trainer and you will see big results before you know it. I canā€™t wait for the next block to get me one more step toward my end goal. I know with Paulā€™s help anything is possible.


Maria Bustillos

The pandemic years were rough for me–I lost my mom and my brother. I stopped going to the gym, and I drank and ate more heavily, gaining about 20 pounds in the space of two years. When I was finally ready to begin coming out of my shell of sadness I was so lucky to find Get Results Fitness.Ā PaulĀ and Stuart are very perceptive and patient personal trainers, and they have helped me immensely. I’m slowly getting back to feeling good, both physically and mentally. I’ve quite painlessly cut way back on my drinking, and I have grown stronger and regained confidence. I’ve also lost eight pounds in the few months I’ve been in their program. Get Results has made a big and ongoing difference in my life.



IĀ started working with Get Results Fitness nearly one year ago. I was already a regular gym go-er and enjoyed strength training , but was wary about increasing the weights I was using without knowing I had the right form.Ā Ive been really impressed by how knowledgeable and experiencedĀ PaulĀ is in his field, creating tailored a programme that is regularly updated to keep challenging me and helping me move closer to my goals. I always come out of our weekly session feeling positive, energised and am now definitely more confident when strength training on my own.



Before I joined Get Results Fitness I was going to a Pilates class every week and doing a bit of walking. I had recently given up work and was looking to lose some weight and get stronger. I had had knee pain for almost 20 years and had been told this was due to wear and tear. My main concern about exercising was that I would damage my knees and make the pain worse.

I can honestly say that I have enjoyed every session. Stuart has always been aware of my knee issues and has worked around this while still pushing me to achieve more. Everyone has been friendly and I have never felt anyone was judging me. It is very reassuring to see people of all ages coming into the gym for training sessions.

My knee pain is almost gone. On top of that, I am much stronger and generally move more freely. Working with weights has helped me to lose weight. My favourite thing about having a personal trainer is that you have someone who can push you beyond what you would do on your own. Every session is slightly different, so you don’t get bored.