

Victoria Oxland

“I’d always been relatively active, previous gym memberships and a tennis player etc. but my main motivation was getting toned and fit for my wedding day. I’m also very lazy when it comes to the motivation to go to the gym myself, I prefer having someone push me to do an exercise because otherwise I would end up focusing on cardio, or not using the multitude of exercises/weights available to me.

I also felt that I really needed a push to get into the habit of going to the gym and making it part of my routine.  Getting myself to a place where I was going regularly and seeing a benefit has always been a motivation and wish of mine.

I play tennis regularly and I’m part of a tennis team but in the past have suffered from injuries or struggled to get through matches without getting tired muscles.

I have become much stronger than I have ever been before, I’m able to do both kinds of pull ups (being able to do one unassisted was a dream!), I have a strong core and muscles on my body I never knew existed! I am also just in a routine now, where I know my exercise days and my rest days.

Since starting my programme, I have consistently moved on with my strength and my recovery is extremely fast. I can do a full week of individual PT, classes, along with a couple of hours of intense cardio through tennis, which can make my body feel sore but I also recover within a day. I’m rarely injured in tennis and any niggles quickly go away. I can last through three hours of tennis matches, with no tiredness, ready to play the next match.

I have lost inches around my waist which has always been a stubborn area and I feel so much better within myself. I am a smaller size, which has given me confidence in what I wear but I also feel toned and strong. Strong not skinny people!

I have reviewed the way I eat, thinking sensibly about what gives me energy, what I need to recover. I drink litres of water every day (instead of sugary juice) and now I can tell what my body needs and why I might not feel at my best at any given time. I am very aware of my body, but in a good way, which is a whole new experience for me!

My mental health has probably been one of the biggest changes / positive results for me, as I have a very stressful, difficult job and without the benefit of my programme to remove me from that part of life, I would struggle. I’m also often pretty hyper when I come out of a PT session or a gym class!

I absolutely love having someone do all the thinking work for me! I struggle with that part, so having someone there to take me through a programme which changes often enough that I don’t get bored, but also focuses on whatever my goals might be, is amazing!

I also enjoy the individual aspect of training, being pushed to a limit but with support, by someone who takes the time to know my goals, what I am capable of, what I’m struggling with or just to chat to distract me from what it is I’m being asked to do is vital to me.

I really enjoy the knowledge and the effort that goes in to my programme. If I ever feel an injury coming on, if I’m finding something hard to master or I have a new goal, this is listened to and my programme is changed to incorporate it or avoid placing strain on my body.

The classes are also fantastic, because they still feel very personal, with trainers who know me and give advice throughout, make corrections and tailor classes which does not happen in a large, corporate gym setting. The classes change every week, focusing on a different part of the body e.g. upper body/core or focus on strength one day, then cardio. I never get the opportunity to feel bored, or that it is getting easier!

You won’t find a more personalised, friendly, enjoyable and supportive exercise experience anywhere else. It is a bespoke service, where you will achieve goals you didn’t think you could, with as much advice as you need to make sure you stay fit and healthy.

If you struggle with the confidence to go to a big gym class, there is nothing to worry about; people who come to the classes are all shapes and sizes, with their own goals and it is a happy, friendly community with lots of regulars.

Get Results does what its name suggests! I have been a member of two large corporate gyms doing PT and classes, a Crossfit gym, I’ve even worked in one and was never as motivated, satisfied and happy as I am being part of the Get Results community.”