by Paul | Apr 17, 2023 | Healthy Living, Injury Rehab and Prevention, Latest News, Weight Loss, Workouts
Top 5 Fitness Mistakes I’ve Seen Over 50’s Making From My 20+ Years In Fitness 1. Avoiding strength Training – For many over 50’s, weight training when they were younger was something only bodybuilders and athletes took part in. Because of this strength...
by Paul | Dec 30, 2022 | Healthy Living, Injury Rehab and Prevention, Latest News, Motivational Advice
As the new year starts I wait again with baited breath to find out what the latest ‘must have’ fitness secret for 2023 will be… Over the past 20 years I’ve seen many trends and fads come and go, each new year. Many of these are led by the desires of a...
by Paul | Nov 17, 2022 | Healthy Living, Injury Rehab and Prevention, Latest News, Motivational Advice
Have you ever heard of the term Sarcopenia? If your answer to this question is no, or if you have heard of it but don’t really know much about it, I urge you to take 5 minutes out of your day and read on as knowing about this could have a massive impact on the...
by Paul | Feb 28, 2022 | Healthy Living, Injury Rehab and Prevention, Latest News
Don’t worry wee mum if you are reading, this is not me talking about you! “I don’t want to end up like my mum.” …is a statement I have heard a lot in our initial consultation with clients over the years. It’s normally someone in their...
by Paul | Feb 14, 2022 | Injury Rehab and Prevention, Latest News, Workouts
Over the past few weeks we have had two clients who have annoyed their lower back in pilates classes and another couple of people have asked us how to get rid of the little pouch they have at the lower part of their stomach. They are looking to flatten their tummies...
by Paul | Nov 19, 2021 | Healthy Living, Injury Rehab and Prevention, Latest News
So often an afterthought for many people, mobility training can be a great addition to any fitness program. We would recommend trying it out if you answer yes to any of the following; Spend long hours at a desk Do a lot of travelling Play sports Are over 35 years old...