
Ok everyone exciting news time!! We are now offering lots of FREE STUFF to everyone within our Get Results community. We have FREE vouchers for you to spend with some local businesses we have linked up with and we would like to give them to you.

So would you like your house cleaned for free? Or do you need a sport massage to help ease those aches and pain? Is your tennis or golf needing the help of a pro or do you fancy getting pampered at a beautician? To claim these amazing FREE vouchers, all you have to do is let people know about the great job we do at Get Results fitness in helping people look better, feel better and move better. When they then sign up for our program we give them a FREE week to try us out and you will receive Gift Vouchers for any of the businesses listed above as a thank you for helping us grow our business.

There are a few reason for us offering this new campaign (we know it almost sounds too good to be true to be getting all this FREE STUFF for just telling your friends about) However the truth of the matter is that we truly believe our program is unrivalled in Glasgow for the knowledge expertise and support that we provide and we are keen to spread our message and help as many people achieve their optimal health as we can.

We also thought rather than ploughing money into newspaper ads that are expensive or online marketing that may or may not work. We thought we would invest in the community of followers and clients we already have.

The businesses we have linked up with are all people we know and trust to ensure that the vouchers you receive are of great value to you.

So how does it all work?

If there is someone you know who is starting in battle against the middle age spread or someone you know who is complaining of feeling sore, stiff and tired get them to contact us to claim their free week’s trial at Get Results Fitness.