
Like me, at the turn of the new year you might have written things down that you wanted to achieve in 2016, and like me, you might have achieved some of them but of these might still be on the to do list!

This is why I love this time of year so much

You have 10 weeks left of the year. More than enough time for some pretty big changes to occur but yet not so much time that you can put off any longer! So even if there is no way you are going to achieve the full goal that you wanted in that time frame (e.g. if you wanted to shift three stone or run a marathon, then admittedly ten weeks is probably not enough time), but in 10 weeks you could lose 1 of of the 3 stones you wanted to lose; you could be running 10km by the end of the year and that marathon goal might not seem so scary!

Too often we put things off waiting for the right time, but when even is the right time. Instead of waiting until January I guarantee you will feel better by the end of 2016 (even before!), if you commit to doing something consistently for ten weeks now. Success breeds success. Give yourself a small win for the end of 2016 and you can build on it in 2017.


Let’s take the two big goals as an example of how simple this could be. Starting with the weight loss goal; choose one action that you know will have a big impact on your weight loss. This can be different for different people but for example might be to eat a healthy dinner 5 nights per week or walk 10,000 steps per day, or reduce alcohol to one night per week. Make sure it’s something you are confident that you can do, then begin right away.

For the running a marathon target it might be something as simple as going for a run twice a week. Pick the day of the week and time of the day you will do them and get cracking with it.

It’s important note that you more than likely won’t get it right 100% of the time between now and then end of the year – but that’s ok, nobody ever does! The fact of the matter is you will be in a better position if you get it done most of the time than if you had done nothing and waited to January to try again.


Get a head start

So if you are like me hopefully you will see this as a great opportunity to go for those goals you set yourself in January and either get them or get closer to achieving them – and make 2017 goals seem more realistic in the meantime.

If you need any help or support with this we have space to take on 2-3 clients between now and the end of the year. So if you want some expert help we can help you get the job done.

PS – for me it’s doing 15 quality pull ups that has eluded me so far. By the end of the year I hope to report back that I’m nailing these!
